My Writing

A list of (i think) my best written pieces (and their publications):

Published by Clear Skies Zine
An essay about my relationship with magazines as a teenager, and the importance of zines like Clear Skies Zine that create an inspiring and accepting community.

My First Best Friend - Essay/memoir
Published by Strwbry Jean Zine
I wrote this piece about the intense friendships formed during the teenage years. For me, the friendships of my youth were much more fraught and formative than any romantic relationships I had.

The Voice In Your Chair - Short essay
Published by online magazine 'Messy
A short piece about the inner critic, and the seemingly impossible task of leaving it behind. I played with the idea of self-hatred being a singular, identifiable voice in my head. 

The Rebellions That Rescue You - Essay/opinion piece
Published by Strwbry Jean Zine
I wrote this piece for Issue Two of Strwbry Jean Zine, on the theme of rebellion. Inspired by the quote ‘In a world that profits on your self-doubt, liking yourself is a rebellious act,’ this piece is about self-love and dissecting your insecurities. 

Say Something - Fictional piece
Published by Strwbry Jean Zine
I wrote this piece about the feeling of alienation during the teenage years. For me, there is an interesting conflict between feeling defensive of your generation and feeling left out of it.